Tuition fee, study grants
EUR 50 / 1250 CZK – payment conditions are described in the e-application, payment section. More information at the IB web/section “How to apply“. The administration fee is non-refundable.
EUR 5,000 per academic year (see the bank details in the admission requirements part)
The tuition fee must be paid until the given due date for each academic year – tuition fee for full academic year by October 15, the payment in two instalments by October 15 and February 1.
The student receives a decision of a payment of a tuition fee usually in September when the academic year starts.
The newly accepted student has an option to pay a tuition fee any time it is convenient by the given deadline – the bank details, forms of payment and due dates are available in the pre-enrollment section for newly accepted students and in InSIS / Study Financing section for contiuning students.
The Prague University of Economics and Business reserves its right to request a payment of the tuition fee for the first semester before issuing the confirmation of study acceptance for visa purposes.
Student grants are not provided by the university.
Students could apply for other grants, e.g. at the Visegrad Fund.
Government Scholarship for students from developing countries fir the academic year 2025/2026
Students having applied for the intergovernmental exchange programs at the Czech Ministry of Education could not use this grant for studying any study program with tuition fee within in the Czech Republic.
Students who take part at the double degree program at one of the partner universities (in Lyon, Mainz, Innsbruck, Vaasa, Warsaw, Lappeenranta or Geneva) will receive a financial support for both semesters according to the valid rules of the Prague University of Economics and Business.
Students who take part at the exchange program semester will receive a financial support according to the valid rules of the Prague University of Economics and Business.