University invites you for the VŠE Ball – Last tickets
University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) invites you to attend the Representative Ball. It will take place in Lucerna Grand Hall. You can look forward to a great program, 3 halls, 3 500 people, and a lot of fun, music and dance. Program ballroom dancing, disco, latino concert life music VŠE’s GOT TALENT award ceremony after […]
Open Day of all VŠE Faculties /17.12. – Cancelled
The University of Economics, Prague invites you to the Open Day of all study programmes organised on Tuesday, 17th of December from 9 AM until 2 PM at the Atrium of Rajská building (W. Churchill Sq. 4, Prague 3).For more information about the English-taught degree programmes, visit the International Office stand at Rajska Building Foyer. […]
Course Enrolment 2. 9. – 20. 9. 2019
Registration of the courses for the Winter semester 2019 finished on August 27, 2019! The enrolment runs will start from Monday September 2, 2019. All will go on according to the regulations of the proces. The instructions for the Registration and Enrolment are available in the section Current students. New coming students will be informed […]
Annual Alumni Meeting 2019
IB Alumni Club – Annual meeting 2019 is scheduled for November 9, 2019 Registration will be via the Google form which each participant receives via email! IB Alumni will meet again at the University of Economics, Prague. We will plan again a program for our Alumni and will prepare this event as much as pleasant […]
Apply for a bursary and get an additional funding for your studies
Looking for additional funding? Postgrad Solutions now offer 15 bursaries across a number of subject areas. Click here to apply- If you are starting a postgraduate course in the academic year 2019-20 you are eligible to apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary. Each bursary is worth £500 and they are open to students from […]
Fund of Excellence – special offer of funding for IB students
We are investing in you, because we believe in your future. Dear students, we are looking for the rising stars of your generation. You’re attending an excellent university, you have exciting career prospects and a vision for your future in which we can believe. We’d like to offer you an opportunity for a financial partnership. We […]